Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rajesh Khanna accuses James Cameron of plagiarism

Mumbai. Rajesh Khanna urff Kaka has finally broken his silence and has confirmed what was being widely speculated and rumored around in the Indian blogosphere – James Cameron’s latest blockbuster AvatarAvtaar. In an exclusive interview to AHL , the romantic superstar of the 70’s has accused James Cameron of lifting certain scenes from his movie without giving due credits. being a copy of Kaka’s 1983 Bollywood masterpiece

“After reading about it on various blogs, I decided to watch James Cameron’s movie, and I was shocked to find it a scene by scene copy of my movie. They just moved an A from the right side of the T to the left side in the movie title.” said a visibly upset Kaka, adding, “I almost wanted to cry, but I didn’t, because you know, Pushpa, I hate tears re.”

Kaka has some hard evidence to prove his point; he has pictures that show exactly how Avatar (2009) is inspired by Avtaar (1983). Kaka was kind enough to hand over these images to AHL News reporter Pushpa, and is contemplating filing a court case against James Cameron.

We leave our readers with these pictures so that they can decide for themselves:

"They copied the POSTER!"

"They even copied my paralyzed hand "

"Shabana’s faraway look, copied again"

"Do you need more proof?"

Courtsey-: totalhungama